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Journey in universal rites
Monte Sant’Angelo offers a tour through all senses. The experience of taste, among the excellences and specialities of the place, is worthy of.
Wandering in the street, let you drive by the aroma of the bread, big ‘wheels’ of crispy golden crust with a soft white crumb, fruit of a long tradition passed down from generation to generation.
In the plain of Macchia the olive trees with the ancient millstones produce the oil, excellence with a sweet taste and fruity aroma that accompanies lots of typical dishes.
A particular variety of cheese, “caciocavallo podolico”, Slow Food Presidium, with a unique flavour, is made from fine cow milk.
Finally, the filled hosts (wafers), “ostie ripiene”, one of the most famous sweets: crispy almonds caramelized with honey, sugar and cinnamon between two white hosts.
Authentic flavours tell you a little piece of the history of this town.